Tuesday 20 January 2009

Storyboard Tutorial/Match cut Excercise

In one of our previous lessons we were told to use a grid to create a shot list for this synopsis "East London. 3pm. A man chain-smokes as he sits at home at his PC. He copies confidential computer files and plans to a CD. He packages them and is seen posting them.

We were told to film the following sequence, making sure to use at least one match cut, an example of shot/reverse shot and showing we had an understanding of the 180 degree rule.
"A character opens a door, walks into a room, sits down opposite another chracter and they share a few lines of dialogue."

Our group decided that we wanted to try and make it thrilling, because it would be good practice for our real thriller.

I came up with the idea that we should use the N1 centre as our location because it is close and we could take some really good shots there. Our storyline was there was someone walking towards the N1 centre. She walks towards the stairs and sees a strange person standing on the top of hte stairs so she then decides to take the escalator. Once she reaches the top of the escalator she turns around to see her friend sitting down. She then walks to the friend, sits down and has a small conversation. The friend then leaves and the main character stands up and looks over the escalator, only to see that the strange poerson is now coming up the escalator. She runs to the cinema but its locked.She then runs to open the lift but once the lift opens the strange man jumps out and drags her into the lift. The lift then closes and it ends there.

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