Tuesday 20 January 2009

karel morris practice thriller 1 thriller

In my last media lesson which was on the 13th january, my group and i created our own thrillling film. our film was about a young girl that got stalked by a man, then he eventually kidnaps her. The location for this was the local shopping centre because it was easily available and it was also relevant to our storyline. we used various numbers of shot types such as long shots, mid shots, close up. we also used hand held camera, zoom and match cut. we used all these techniques so that they would create tension for our film. we also used them so that we could gain practice for when we do our opening for a thriller.

After filming we went into the editing suite to edit our clip. The outcome was great because we had a range of clips to choose from and we also knew what we were doing. Our team work was also great and this gave me confidence for when we will be doing the opening of a thriller. This gave me confidence because it helped me to see that i can rely on my group due to their participation and co-operation with each other.However, due to time we didn't get to add sound effects,music and credit to our clip. Therefore, i have less knowledge and understanding within this field at the moment.

On the 15th january, which was Annabelle's lesson, we began planning our own thrillers. we also looked at A grade work that was marked by the examiner. This helped me to broaden my thinking and helped me to see that alot can be done within 2 mins. it also helped me to see that camera work such as close up is very vital because it creates tension.

During the process of our planning, we each thought of ideas for a thriller. firstly we thought of the location, time of day, and then the plot. Despite doing this we still found it hard to figure out a story line that was simple effective and possible, therefore we decided that we would think of an idea during the weekend.

In todays lesson (20th january), we were still struggling to think of an idea. However, further on in the lesson we finally thought of an idea. we developed lamar's idea which is about a man that recites methods as he gets closer to the object. he has a split personality and does questionable things due to his illness. we used Lamar's idea and linked it to kai's location which is that of a fun fair. we did this because they had a connection and it would create more tension and it would be more thrilling. we also made a pitch and a storyboard. we did this so that we have a guideline of what to do when creating our thriller.

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