Thursday 18 December 2008

Card game Practice film- Set 2-group 9

last thursday Gez gave us a sheet on what out practice film had to be about. the film had to include a pack of cards,over the shoulder shot, ECU and a tracking shot.
when filming we used different camera shots. i was happy with the close ups that we filimed as it managed to show certain emtions tht we wanted to get across to the audience E.g nervousnes. the shot that i thought was the most successful was the over the shoulder shot, as it alloweed the audience to see a characters point of view from the other actor. i also thought it helped to bring tension.
i thought the editing went well, however whe we tried to try something different, like putting someones voice a certain clip without seeing the clip in which that person was speaking we found it diffcult to do so. however when we continued edititng it was successful because when out short film was put togthere it made sense.
when filiming i felt that i learned alot abut mise on scene. for example, the pack of cards within the shor film allowed the audience to gather what the film would be about, alos it gace a clear understanding of what the film was going to be about instead of making the audience confused on what the story would be about.
yes, we managed to create and element of suspense. for example, at the ending of the film when Tope wins the game and Lemar says 'its not over' Tope replys 'it is' and closes the door behind her, while as soon as she lives Lemar is on the phone. this shows suspense as the audience does not know what will happen next. i feel that the lighting used within the room helped to create the suspense but also i feel that the dialogue used and the tone of voices also helped to create it.
sometimes when filming i forgot to fill up the space above the ctors head and sometimes we will forget to film extra 5 seconds before and mainly after each shot.
i think we used a couple of conventions from from real thriller films. for axample, the use of the close-up shot, over the shoulder shot, put also the dark lighting used and the digetic sound however we was unable to put in a soundtrack as we had not finished editing.
Gez thought that our short film so far is the best that he has seen within our class, however we have not finished editing.
i thought that our practice short film went really well and we all contributed as a group so no pressure was put on anyone. we also gave ideas towards the film which the group took in a gave their opinions. overall i believed that the practice film wen t really well and that when it comes to make our own thriller i would learnn from the mistakes made and our actually film would be alot better.

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