Sunday 1 February 2009

The shining

Before we started to make our film, we as a class watched The shining, to help us gather an idea on what a thriller is based on and it also helped us with what camera angles we would expect when makin a thriller. so that was very interesting for us to watch.
The use of camerwork helped to create tension and dramatic moments within the film. For example, the use of sudden zooms and pons brings unexpected focus on the audience in which the effect allows the audience to ' jump out of their sits'.

Also the use of close-ups, helps to show emotions and traces...
this picture helps to show hwo effective the use is of the close-up includin on the it is a symbol of death and violence and when looking at wife facial expersion the audience can clearly see how scared she is. As well as the the long edits within the film without shot cuts, builds tension because we are in one place for a long time.
Within the film there is use of diegetic and non- diegetic sound throughout the film. There is uses of sounds from a party however it builds up to orchestral climax of strings and drums. This drowns out dialogue ans shouting of the actors. There is also a high contrast between loud music and silence. This allows the audience to be shocked in a certain way due to the tension in which the sound brings to the film and the effect that it has behind it.

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